Hello, I am Mariana Parma, after many years of training in the arts' arena, I, have discovered and have come across many talented artists, teachers, and practices that have helped me regain and maintain a positive outlook. These experiences have come in handy, especially during these times of uncertainty and great social changes.

How to keep your mind & body fresh and hopeful!
Pursuing a career in the arts is extremely rewarding, but at the same time very demanding, highly competitive, and exhausting, mentally and physically.
For me keeping up with these demands, I have discovered that maintenance is the key. Just like anything we over use day in and day out, requires maintenance, makes sense that so will we.
Maintenance, is a process of preserving our well being, at all times, especially when we are faced with challenges or great change.
The wonderful thing about this realization, is that you can personalize this process, to fit your lifestyle and needs at any time.
Here I am going to share with you my personal "M3" tips that you can try at home to keep your mind & body fresh and hopeful: MEDITATION, MUSIC, MOVEMENT!
Tips to refresh your mind & body!

This has been my life safer. According to Healthline,
There are six popular types of meditation practice:
mindfulness meditation
spiritual meditation
focused meditation
movement meditation
mantra meditation
transcendental meditation
I have tried them all, but the ones that resonate for me the most are guided mediations that have a centering thought, accompanied by music and chanting mantras, as well as moving meditation. You can always combine them to create your own. Once, you begin your journey in meditation you will discover what works best for you. Below, I have listed some recommendations, that I have found works best for me.
*Deepak Chopra: has a great mediation series, of 21 days, you can find his links on Youtube or download has app. onto your phone. It's a great way to begin your day, or to do when you have at least 20 minutes that you can dedicate to yourself.
*Kirtan: meditation that involves chanting or mantras originating from the Kundalini yoga tradition, which has been practiced for thousands of years. This is very common among Yoga practioners, but you can try it without having to do Yoga.
*Krishna Das: is one of my favorites Kirtan Singers, he has led chants all over world.
* Music!

Listening to feel good music to begin your day, or throughout your day. I can not say enough about the healing power behind music. We have all experienced the benefits of listening to music. In my experience teaching, I have witnessed how music brought back life and happiness to the ailing.
*Create your feel good playlist, with a mix of genres. Example: I created a playlist: Motivational: which includes: an eclectic list, including: Florence + The Machine, "Dog Days Are Over", Danny Suarez, "Yo Aprendi", Alfredo Zitarrosa, "Candombe del Olvido", Lidia Borda, "Fruta Amarga", to name a few. Having feel good playlists at the touch of a finger, makes it easy to motivate your personal mood for the day, afternoon, evening, or at any moment that you need to re- set.
It has been proven over and over again that movement, such as exercising, dancing, or other forms of physically activity has tremendous positive affects that promote physical and emotional well being.
*Dance ( all forms): Try Argentine Tango & Salsa, or any style.
*Yoga: Try free online yoga classes to see if this is good for you:
*Walking: In the park, around the block at least once a day
*Biking: Look for bike trails near you, or use your bike to get around town
*Outdoor/ Indoor exercises with a friend online, set up a schedule and workout with a friend. Come up with your own work out routine. You will surprise yourselves on how much you both can teach each other. At least twice a week.
One of the greatest benefits in physical activity is the production of Endorphins. These are the chemicals produced by the body, that are released during these activities by the body that relieve stress resulting in a feeling of well-being. I invite you to create your own personal maintenance process "M3", Meditation, Music, and Movement.
This combination can be your process in maintaining a brighter you! Thanks for reading, keep me posted on how it goes. Don't forget to subscribe, to stay connected! Shine on!
Thank you Sonia, for your feedback, I look forward to sharing with you and learning from each other🙏🏽💕
I love your blog! Looking forward to learning a lot with you!